Friday, August 22, 2008

Language Game

Have some fun! See if you can tell where these people are from!

Want to feel like you live in a fish bowl? Give this cute game a try!

Aha well... didn't do so good on that one? Give another continent a try!

Still not so good? Let's get simpler. Come on Americans! You should get this one!

Wow.... aren't doing so well are you??

Here.... much easier.

Well, I bet you feel good about yourself now don't you?

One final game for today. It's the easiest of them all. All you have to do is think.

Now, whether you played any of these games or not... I want you to think...

Is life a game? Is a game play? Or are you playing the game of life?

Life is like a game it requires rules for the guidance of the players and for a method to end disputes thus preventing fights. Games requires intelligent thought and planning and a sound strategy which will help you to win.

Like games or play every move we make today determines the path we will take tomorrow.

Galatians 6:7 Don't be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

Good gosh almighty... you are always wondering where I'm going with this stuff aren't you?

Well I wanted to give you some rules for the "Game of Life" There has to be rules and limitations! Because in games we always want to win. For a game to exist, there must be conflict and the possibility of winning or losing, or at least of something of value being at stake. (Isn't that the same definition of WAR?)

In some play/games there are clear goals (get to the end first) and clear rules (without dropping the egg).
In some play/games there are no goals (swinging on a swing) and no rules(go as fast as you want or as slow as you want).

Which game are you playing? The one with goals and rules or the one with no goals and no rules?

Can't have it both ways... or can you?

When you are fighting there are no rules. When there is something of value at stake to win or loose... all bets are off. Don't expect anyone who is fighting to follow the rules.

How are you going to play the game?

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